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National Tooth Fairy Day: How To Be the Tooth Fairy

National Tooth Fairy Day: How To Be the Tooth Fairy

Did you know that today is National Tooth Fairy Day? The tradition of the tooth fairy has its roots in Europe, but what exactly she looks like isn't as certain. Her appearance is cited to be everything from a fairy, to a bunny - to even a mouse! Or are you wondering how much the going rate for a tooth might be? According to a 2013 Visa study, the average is $3.70 per tooth. 

Be ready the next time you need to be the tooth fairy for your little one! We rounded up seven fast crafts to help you along the next time you get a stealthy night job as the tooth fairy! 

From our fave family crafter Handmade Charlotte, she gives us a retro-inspired free printable so your little one can write a note. What a sweet keepsake! 

The Crafting Chicks give the tooth fairy her own stationary with their free printable - tuck it into their pillow for a special touch.

Stacy Hull via Pinterest brushes Mod Podge Sparkle onto a dollar bill to give it that special oomph - super simple for the time-crunched parent!

Over at The Purl Bee, they share a simple, stitchable bag to tuck those teeth into! 


Spoonful adds glitz to the tooth fairy letter ritual by dipping the corners in glitter.

Chickabug takes the tooth fairy seriously, allowing your little one to leave a free printable invoice! 

We adore how Raising Sweet Souls repurposes a mint tin to leave a tooth.

What ideas do you have to be the best tooth fairy? Let us know below! 

Posted: 2/28/2014 7:08:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments

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