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Mod Podge Home for the Holidays Week 5 - DIY Christmas Village

Mod Podge Home for the Holidays Week 5 - DIY Christmas Village

We enter Week 5 in our Mod Podge Home for the Holidays! This weeks project is a DIY Christmas Village. We have three different building for you to make and hope they inspire you to create more buildings for your village. These three projects would be perfect for your mantel this holiday season!

Create a Post Office and melting snow man with Mod Podge, Mod Melts/Molds and our Collage Clay

Create a building Christmas Tree with Mod Podge, Mod Melts/Molds and our Collage Clay

Create a house, trees and fence with Mod Podge, Mod Melts/Molds and our Collage Clay

You can get all your supplies for these projects at your local Michaels Stores

Don’t forget to go to the Plaid Facebook page to enter to win the Mod Podge supplies to make these projects. Then after you have created your projects post them on Instagram. Use hashtags modpodgeholidays and #madewithmichaels to win a Michaels Gift Card and Plaid products! 
Posted: 11/24/2014 8:11:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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