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Patterned Converse

Patterned Converse


We love converse shoes. They’re comfortable, look great and they are great for stenciling!  We gave our pair a special twist by stenciling one of our new patterns on it.

For this how-to you’ll need: A pair of Converse shoes, FolkArt Multi-Surface paint, stencil brushes, Stencil1 Star Pattern stencil.

Step 1: Use a low-tack adhesive to secure the stencil to the shoe.

Step 2: We went for a very subtle look, so we used a dark grey to stencil the pattern. Use the brush in an up-and-down motion to stencil. Remember stenciling is a dry brush technique so use very little paint and apply multiple layers.


Step 3: Lift the stencil off carefully. Once it’s completely dry stencil the other side and then repeat the same steps to stencil the other shoe.



Show us what your converse look like @Stencil1

Posted: 4/26/2014 8:03:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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