Other Supplies
Yellow paper, Yellow buttons, Large pink button, ¼” cream ribbon, Black permanent marker, Craft glue, Poster board, Pencil, Scissors, ¾” flat brush
- Basecoat the frame Vanilla Ice Cream. Allow to dry.
- Make flower petal dots with little fingers. For the pink flower make a circle with five Pink Parfait dots and then Cameo Pink in between. For the blue flowers repeat but use Caribbean first and then China Blue. Allow all flower to dry. Make a Yellow Flame dot in the center of each flower. Allow to dry.
- Glue yellow buttons in the center of some of the flowers.
- Use the insert as a pattern and cut out a heart from the poster board. This will be the backing for the yellow paper. Cut out a heart from the yellow paper and write “Happy Mother’s Day” with the marker. Insert into frame.
- Glue the pink button to the paper along with a bow.