Organizing Hacks: 3 Recycled DIY Organizers with Mod Podge

We're all about conquering our New Year's resolutions, and one that keeps popping up for us is staying organized! Cathie & Steve have three ideas you can not only customize with your favorite designs of paper, but they all use materials you can inexpensively upcycle, too! 

Watch the latest episode of Make it with Mod Podge below and learn how to make: 

  1. Makeup Organizer - which also makes great office or art storage too! 
  2. Magazine Holder - transform the humble cereal box into a magazine holder. These are also great for holding playroom coloring books or art projects, too. 
  3. Draw Organizers - Make the ‘junk drawer’ concept disappear when you DIY these easy organizers.  

Watch Now: Organizing Hacks: 3 Budget, Recycled Organizers Using Mod Podge 

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