Beautiful angels from draped fabric that can be displayed year after year.
- Wrap cones with plastic wrap and place on top of plastic wrap sheet. Dip fabric in Stiffy, center over top of cone and drape over sides. Let dry thoroughly.
- Apply eyes and mouths to wood ball knobs using opposite end of brushes. Apply cheeks using very dry stencil brush.
- Cut chenille bump stem into four sections. Glue wooden beads to ends as shown, leaving at least ¼” sticking out.
- Create wreaths from gold and silver chenille stems.
- Paint wood discs Buttercup and Dove Gray. Then paint with metallics and apply glitter paint when dry. Glue to tops of heads as shown.
- Transfer wing pattern to white felt. Cut out and apply Hologram glitter. Bend in half when dry.
- Carefully remove Styrofoam cones from stiffened fabric. Glue arms to sides of bodies and when dry, wrap ends sticking out of wood beads around wreaths and glue.
- Glue heads to tops and wings to back of angels.