Perfect for spring, this circular wood plaque turned into a welcome sign can be displayed in just about any room of your home but best near the front door!
“hi Rainbow Sign Instructions- Tape off the bottom third of the circle and then using a 1” foam brush loaded with Caribbean, paint the lower section of the circle solid; allow to dry. Paint the upper portion of the circle White and allow to dry. Sand both area smooth and then reapply paint colors for opaque coverage. Let dry.
- If desired, use a pencil to lightly mark the rainbow pattern or it can be painted free style. The rainbow rings are painted – from the outside working toward the center – Laguna, Kings Gold, Pink Parfait, and Limeade. Be sure to allow a small White border between the colors. If desired, a second coat can be applied.
- Once dry, use a pencil to write “hi” or free hand paint “hi” using a No. 1 Liner brush loaded with Black.
Terra Cotta Flower Pot Instructions
- Paint a small band at the bottom of the terra cotta pot of Kings Gold. The band can be as wide as desired. Use a 1” foam brush to apply the paint. Allow to dry and then reapply Kings Gold for opaque coverage.