After painting pouring there is a lot of paint that is wasted. But with these ideas, you can reclaim you paint and use the dried leftover paint, or paint skins, to create beautiful works of art. There is no paint left behind when you reuse your excess paint to cut out fun shapes and designs for your home decor.
Create a raised, covered space to place your surface once you've poured your paint, such as thumbtacks in cardboard or a baker's rack.
Pouring Technique
- Paint your three frames and mats with Wicker White and let dry. Tape of the corners of your frames and paint with Treasure Gold. Let dry.
- Pour your desired colors into your disposable baking pans and tilt/swirl until you reach your desired pattern. Let sit until completely dry.
- Trace your stencils on your paint skins and cut them out with a craft knife. Adhere your paint skin shapes onto your frames with Mod Podge.
Drying and Finishing
Place your painted project on the raised surface and allow to dry and cure for 24-48 hours for optimal results. Once dry, seal your project with FolkArt Acrylic Sealer.