New parents love to show off photos of their bundle of joy and these tinted vases and photo flowers are the perfect way to display the photos.
- Paint the wood pics with baby Pink, Soft Apply, Steel Gray and Pure Black. Once dry, dry brush White Adirondack over all the pics.
- Trim the color copies of baby photos and scrapbook paper to fit the centers of the pics.
- For each side of the pic: Apply Mod Podge to the back of the paper, position onto the pic, press with your fingers to remove any air bubbles, wait 15 min and apply a top-coat to seal.
- Apply two coats of Mod Podge Sheer Pink to the outside of each mini vase. Once dry Mod Podge some scrapbooking words across the vases in a random pattern.
- Hot glue scrapbooking embellishments to the pics.
- Create an arrangement of vases and pics. Trim the pics so they are arranged at different heights.