Using Apple Barrel paints, have fun and create an adorable sign, canvas, and terra cotta pot to make your decor pop with color! These piece are perfect for displaying near your front door or in a guest bedroom to welcome friends and family.
“Be Our Guest” Framed Sign Instructions
- Using a 1” foam brush, paint the wooden frame Admiral Blue and the wood inset of the frame Kelly Green. Allow to dry. Sand smooth once dry and reapply the base colors to achieve opaque coverage.
- Using a pencil write “be our guest” over the prepared Kelly Green surface. Use this as a guideline to paint your message using a No. 1 Liner brush and White. Allow to dry.
- Using the same No. 1 Liner brush loaded with White, paint an overall pattern of arching thin lines to represent the leaf cluster stems. Once the stems are painted, use a No. 8 Flat brush to paint “balloon shaped” leaves along the stems.
- When dry, assemble the frame and insert and display for all to enjoy!
- Paint a small band at the bottom of the terra cotta pot of Kings Gold. The band can be as wide as desired. Use a 1” foam brush to apply the paint. Allow to dry and then reapply Kings Gold for opaque coverage.
- Begin by lightly pencil sketching a vase onto the center of the canvas. Then, using the pencil, divide the background into three shapes, a rectangle at the bottom of the canvas with a diagonal line separating the top of the canvas.
- Paint the canvas as follows:
- Bottom background– Admiral Blue
- Right background – Cardinal Crimson
- Left background – White
- Vase – Sky Blue
- Add a painted overall pattern of horizontal and vertical dashes onto the Admiral Blue section. Using a No. 1 Liner brush, paint Cardinal Crimson dashes.
- Flower stems are painted Admiral Blue using the No. 1 Liner brush. Flowers are added using the handle end of the paintbrush to create a variety of dots and layered dots. Flowers are White, Laguna and Sky Blue.