Being a Mom Large Canvas
This is a very special project that can get all mom's kids involved to create a beautiful canvas with loving messages. Use FolkArt Acrylic Paint and Mod Podge to make mom a beautiful decor piece she will be proud to display for years to come.

Other Things You'll Need

  • 24 x 20 Canvas
  • White Paint Marker
  • Assorted scrapbook papers cut into different size hearts
  • scissors


  1. Cut scrapbook paper into random size hearts as shown. 
  2. * Give hearts to all the people in your life that have mothered you, you have mothered them or they have helped you become the mom that you are.  Ask them to write a personal message on each heart.
  3. Using the colors shown in photo, randomly add sections of color and blend together using long, loose brush strokes as shown.  Let dry.
  4. Following basic instruction on Mod Podge, apply hearts to canvas as shown.  Let dry.
  5. Using piece of chalk, draw a loose floral pattern as shown and your personal quote or saying about being a mom. 
  6. Using the paint marker, trace over the chalk pattern.  Using a damp cloth remove chalk and let dry,
  7. Apply a second coat of Mod Podge over entire canvas to seal.  Let dry.