Birdhouse Windchimes


  1. Drill one hole at the top of birdhouse and five holes at the bottom
  2. Cut the 12" dowels in half and drill holes in one end of all four pieces
  3. Draw waves on the birdhouse as shown in photo
  4. Waterdown Deep Navy and Acapulco to give a water color effect
  5. Paint the sky and the waves on birdhouse. Refer to photo for color placement
  6. Ombre the ends of the dowels that have the holes in them
  7. Paint white wavy lines on top of the waves on birdhouse 
  8. Add blue twine at the top of birdhouse for hanging
  9. Feed the dtring through the holes at the bottom of the birdhouse and then through the dowels. Tie a knot at both ends of the string to secure.

Other Supplies

  • 2 - 3/8" x 12" dowel
  • Drill bits
  • Drill
  • Miter saw
  • Blue twine
  • Pencil