If you love paint pouring and hate how much is wasted, check out this unique fall idea! Let your extra poured paint dry, then peel from your surface. Using a knife cut your "paint skin" into shapes that you can Mod Podge into something new. Use autumn colors that you poured with and cut them into a sweet candy corn shape.
- Paint your canvas with Light Lavender and let dry.
- Mix a 1:2 ratio of Pouring Medium and Sunny Yellow in one of your cups. Repeat this step in separate cups with Daybreak, Hot Saffron, Titanium White, and Tangerine.
- Pour your Tangerine, Hot Saffron, and Titanium White mixtures into one disposable pan. Swirl and tilt your pan until you get a marbled effect. Repeat this step in your other two pans with Sunny Yellow, Daybreak, and Titanium White in one and Daybreak and Titanium White in another. Let this completely dry.
- Once your paint skins are totally dry, remove them from the pan. Use a template to trace a candy corn design on your paint skins. Cut out the shape and mod podge them on to your canvas.