Santa can't miss this decorative yard stake!
- Paint outer edge of plaque trim Yellow Citron, two coats. Let dry.
- Paint top of plaque and stake Engine Red, two coats. Let dry.
- Paint 2 trees Yellow Citron, two coats. Let dry.
- Paint 4 medium circles Engine Red, two medium circles Wicker White, two large circles Engine Red, and one large circle Wicker White, two coats each. Let dry.
- Use small tip brush and use paints to decorate bulbs.
- Paint gingerbread man Maple Syrup, two coats. Let dry.
- Take black marker and make stitches around both trees, plaque edge and gingerbread man.
- Use stencil and marker to write "Santa, Stop Here" on right side of plaque.
- Paint Wicker White zigzags and dots for eyes on gingerbread man.
- Paint heart on chest and lips Engine Red.
- Paint buttons and bow on head Yellow Citron. Let dry.
- Paint Wicker White spirals and make Yellow Citron dots, then drag a toothpick through the dots to make snowflakes on plaque. Let dry.
- Paint Wicker White and Engine Red bulbs at random on both trees.
- Hot glue trees together and glue to left of plaque and glue gingerbread man behind the right tree.
- Hot glue Christmas bulbs onto the trees.
- Paint Mod Podge Sparkle onto gingerbread man, Yellow Citron edge of plaque, and all Christmas bulbs and swirls on plaque. Let dry.
- Glue pictures of family in frames
- Glue stake to the back of the plaque and place in ground or flower pot. Enjoy!