Cock a Doodle Do Rooster
What would be more fun than a rooster to paint and add to your French country kitchen?

Other Things You'll Need

  • Delta Crackle Medium
  • Brush basin or container for water
  • Paper towels
  • Foam plates
  • Tracing paper
  • Graphite paper
  • No. 8
  • 12 Flat brush
  • No. 1 Liner brush
  • ¾" Flat brush
  • 11" x 14" canvas
  • Ruler
  • Pencil


1. Measure and mark a two inch border at the top and bottom of the canvas.  Paint this border Seminole Green.   Allow to dry and reapply color.

2. Measure and paint a 1.5” border along both vertical sides of the canvas. Paint this border using the slip slap method and Ulta Blue and Butter Cream.

3. Measure a ½” border running horizontal just above and below the Seminole Green border.  Paint this border White.

4. Paint remaining square Dark Brown.  Allow to dry and reapply.

5. Apply Crackle Medium following package directions and top with Butter Cream.  Allow to dry.

6.  Trace and transfer patterns using tracing paper and graphite paper.

7. Rooster – Paint rooster body Antique Gold, shade with Dark Brown, highlight with Butter Cream.

8. Paint rooster head feathers Butter Cream and shade with Dark Brown.

9. Using Cardinal Red, paint comb and waddle.  Highlight with Tangerine and shade with Dark Brown.

10. Paint eye area Tangerine and eye Antique Gold.  Outline eye with Dark Brown. Highlight eye with White.

11. Body feathers are painted with both Cardinal Red and Tangerine.

12. Tail feathers are Ultra Blue and White.

13. Paint the rooster’s legs and feet Antique Gold shaded with Dark Brown.

14. Using Seminole Green, paint a small patch of ground.

15. Add a touch of Dark Brown to the corners of the rooster square.

16. Sunflowers – Paint sunflower petals Antique Gold and highlight a few petals with White or Butter Cream.

17. Paint sunflower center with a polka dot of Dark Brown. 

18. The leaves and stem are painted using Seminole Green.

19. Square border – Paint the squares Dark Brown. You may also choose to sponge the square shape using a square sponge applicator.

20. Add a Cardinal Red circle at the connecting square corners.  Or you may choose to use a 5/8” dauber to paint the circle.

21. Paint a Seminole Green polka dot in the center of the red circle.

22. Checkerboard border – Paint every other small square Cardinal Red.

23. As a final touch, paint a dash – dot – dash border of Cardinal Red around each section.  Allow to dry. If desired, apply a coat or two of varnish to seal and protect.