We are excited to announce that Arteza has joined Plaid Enterprises, expanding our portfolio of trusted creative brands alongside Bucilla, Delta, Apple Barrel, and more.
We are excited to announce that Arteza has joined Plaid Enterprises, expanding our portfolio of trusted creative brands alongside Bucilla, Delta, Apple Barrel, and more.
Place tracing paper over lid of compact and trace the circular area where your paper will go.
Cut the circle out of tracing paper and place over downloaded floral image. Cut out. Repeat with as many compacts as you plan to craft.
Lay cut out circles face down on wax paper. Brush Mod Podge Matte onto the back of one circle and place onto compact. Cover with wax paper and smooth with fingers. Repeat with each compact. Let dry at least 20 minutes then seal paper with a coat of matte.
Use the alphabet stencil pack to apply letters over paper with Maui Sand.
Paint in the breaks of the letters with liner brush.