DIY Dorm Room Decoration - Pennant Banner
Create your own DIY dorm room decoration pennant banner!


  1. Using scissors, cut each of the fabrics into 20” x 17” pieces.
  2. On the longer side of the fabric pieces, cut ½” notches 1” apart.
  3. Tear the fabric at each of the notches so you are left with twenty 1” x 17” strips of each fabric. Set aside.
  4. Count out 13 paper pennants. Set the rest aside.
  5. Using a ½” stencil brush and Lemon Peel, stencil one letter of the word “DORM” on four separate pennants using the Waverly Inspirations Alpha Serif stencil. Repeat this so you have 2 sets of the word “DORM.” Let dry.
  6. Using a clean ½” stencil brush and Steel, stencil each letter of the word “SWEET” onto pennants. Let dry.
  7. On each pennant, punch two holes at the top about 2” apart. String the pennants onto the string included in the package.
  8. Tie 2-3 strips of fabric onto the string between the pennants. Using scissors, trim any loose threads.