Easter Candy Tins
This Easter, store your extra breath mints in a beautifully hand-crafted Easter Candy Tin. With just a little Mod Podge, tissue paper, and gems you can create a stylish tin.


  1. Basecoat inside and outside of tins Wicker White; let dry.
  2. Choose a tissue paper for background color; cut into small squares. Using Mod Podge, glue squares to cover tin lid layering paper pieces.
  3. Cut out motifs and phrases from napkins. Using Mod Podge, glue onto lid where desired. Using glue gun, add small ribbon bows, gems or other 3-dimensional embellishments as desired; let dry.
  4. Apply topcoat of Mod Podge over entire tin to seal and finish (open tin before sealing); let dry completely.
  5. Use permanent marker to outline designs or personalize.