Create a raised, covered space to place your surface once you've poured your paint, such as thumbtacks in cardboard or a baker's rack.
Pouring Technique
Clean Pour – the Clean Pour technique allows for more controlled, flowing of paint resulting in more defined shapes. This is also called a direct pour. First, mix each color with pouring medium in a separate cup, then pour each cup individually and directly onto your project surface. Wearing gloves, then lift and tile your surface to allow the paint to flow as desired.
- Pour your Titanium White pouring mixture on your entire canvas.
- Pour the rest of your colors in a line on the top half of your canvas.
- Tilt your canvas down to let the line of colors drip down your canvas. You don’t want to swirl your paint. Let dry.
Drying and Finishing
Place your painted project on the raised surface and allow to dry and cure for 24-48 hours for optimal results. Once dry, seal your project with FolkArt Acrylic Sealer.