Family Ties Patchwork Frame
“Some of my fondest memories as a child are of my grandparents. It was great fun to explore their attic. There was so much stuff and everything had a story. This is one of my favorite finds: old ties and lace.” - Candice Davis


  1. Rummage through your grandparents’ attic and find four of grandpa’s old ties and 1-1/2 yards of grandma’s lace.
  2. Paint the inside rim of the wooden picture frame Licorice and allow to dry.
  3. Cut ties apart and iron flat. Decide on a patchwork pattern and then cut and place those pieces aside.
  4. Brush Mod Podge onto first section of frame. Apply tie piece onto the wet Mod Podge. Use your fingers to smooth out the air bubbles. Repeat this process until the frame is covered. Make sure to press firmly on the sides and let overlap to the back of the frame.
  5. Use your lace and/or ricrac to cover any raw edges of the ties. Tip: You can use old buttons, jewelry, tie clasps, etc. You can even customize for a gift!
  6. Use the ricrac and/or lace to trim around the frame cut-out. Allow to dry.
  7. When dry, measure your photo and fit into frame. You can use matting around the photo if you desire.
  8. Use the smaller end of a tie to mount to the back of the frame to hang it. Cover the back with paper or felt cut to the size of the frame. Adhere with Mod Podge.