Floral Elegance – Blue and White China Vase with Floral Stems on Canvas
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Other Things You'll Need

  • 24 x 36" Stretched canvas
  • Transfer paper
  • Assorted floral stems
  • Floral wire
  • Masking tape
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Craft knife


  1. Basecoat entire canvas a medium Grey (mix Wicker White and Licorice). Use large flat brush. Let dry.
  2. Using sketch included, transfer design onto the canvas with a light transfer paper.
  3. Paint vase using Wicker White, Ink Spot and Light Blue. Follow the included pattern, refer to color image for shading. Once all blue and white areas have been painted, add a very small amount of Daybreak to Wicker White so that it is a very faint cream color. Add the cream color to large white areas of the vase, giving the vase a slight creamy glow. Add pure white highlights after the vase has dried: pick a vertical line about 3” from the left edge of the vase. Add the highlights on part of the top lip of vase. Then skip down towards the fattest part of the vase. Lastly, add a highlight to the base. Do this same highlight on the vase lid. Refer to the color photo for colors and placement.
  4. Paint background Wicker White with broad crisscrossing, directional strokes, leaving small amounts of grey showing. Add small spots of Mossy Green, Plantation Rose and Pink Melon sporadically in the back ground. Then paint horizontal Treasure Gold areas. Start with full coverage of gold on the bottom right of canvas and taper to thin out horizontal lines as you move left.
  5. On back of canvas, grid with masking tape to provide more support for the artificial flowers.
  6. Using and craft knife, cut areas just big enough to fit one floral stem and position it, securing with wire. DO NOT insert flowers into one large cut across the lid of the vase. Flowers should be inserted into small slits in various spots. Anchor stems with floral wire and trim stems as needed. Use hot glue for further support as needed.