1. Using a ruler trace out 8 separate horizontal sections 1in apart across your canvas.
2. Combine the top two rows to make the top section 2in thick.
3. Repeat step number 2 onto the bottom two rows.
4. Paint the top section in FolkArt Light Lavendar using a 3/4in flat brush.
5. Repeat continueing down the divided rows in a rainbow pattern. The order you can follow is: Light Lavendat, Light Blue, Wild Wasabi, Day Break, Parierie Sunset, followed by Rosette Pink.
6. Trace out lettering spelling out "DORM sweet DORM" with a pencil.
7. Paint Dorm Sweet Dorm with Wicker White using a Liner Brush.
8. Touch up any areas where needed.
9. Add FolkArt Glitterific Pop in Galaxy to the top portion of the Light Lavendar stripe.
10. Add FolkArt Glitterific Pop in Princess Potion to the bottom portion of the Rosette Pink stripe.
11. Paint simple florals alternating in pastel colors around the words.
12. Add small leaves and highlights to flower petels.
13. Finish by dotting FolkArt Glitteific onto the centers of the flowers.