Friends and Family Holiday Wall Hanging

Other Things You'll Need

  • 10" x 10" stretched canvas
  • Container for water
  • Paper towels
  • Foam plate
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • White craft glue or hot glue gun
  • Craft ribbon in holiday design of choice
  • 2 sheets of coordinating scrapbook paper


Painting Instructions:

  1. Colorbook paint / basecoat paint the following areas: Canvas Front – Linen Canvas Sides – Metallic Black Sequin
  2. Measure and mark a 2” border on the canvas, leaving a 6” square area in the center.
  3. Measure and cut four strips of scrapbook paper 2” x 6” from one design of scrapbook paper. Measure and cut four 2” x 2” squares of coordinating design scrapbook paper.
  4. Double load the 3/4" Flat Brush with Floating Medium and Metallic Pearl White. Float the color along the edge of the center square keeping Metallic Pearl White to the inside edge.
  5. Coat the 2” area around the square with Gloss Mod Podge and apply Mod Podge to the back side of the scrapbook paper. Lay the squares on all corners and the coordinating paper strips between. Smooth out any wrinkles. Apply a top coat of Gloss Mod Podge and let dry. 
  6. To create the holiday tree, draw a large triangle in the center of the plaque using a ruler as a straight edge. Draw a star at the top allowing the star to overlap the scrapbook paper, and a small rectangle at the base for a tree trunk.
  7. Basecoat the tree with Fresh Foliage, the star with Metallic Pure Gold and the trunk with Metallic Sequin Black using the No. 12 Flat Brush.
  8. Shade the right side of the tree by floating Metallic Christmas Green and highlight the left side of the tree by floating Apple Orchard. To float, double load the 3/4" Flat Brush with Floating Medium and color. Let dry.
  9. Apply a coat of Folk Art Extreme Glitter Hologram over the tree and star to add sparkle.
  10. Wiggle outline the tree, star and paper strips with Metallic Black Sequin using the No. 2 Flat Brush.
  11. Add stripes to the paper strips with Metallic Bright Red, and add Metallic Pearl White dots to the tree and the four corners of the canvas. Paint the four words, “Friends, Love, Family, Home” Metallic Black Sequin.
  12. Cut lengths of holiday ribbons. Using white craft glue or a hot glue gun, glue the two ribbons together. Fold over to create a loop and glue to the back of the canvas creating the hanger. Enjoy!