Brighten up your nursery with these fresh and fun frosted containers.
- Trace label patterns sized to fit jars onto adhesive blank. Cut out label pattern.
- Create rectangle labels as shown on each container using cut strips.
- Apply Sunflower to one label. Mix one part Wicker White to two parts Vivid Orange and apply to second label. Remove strips before paint dries to prevent paint pull up.
- Tape around edge of lids and paint Wicker White. Remove tape.
- Using round brush, paint simple flower on lids in colors shown.
- Tape off stripe around labels and paint Soft Apple. Create Soft Apple dots around lids with opposite end of brush.
- Use liner brush to paint Wicker White stitch lines around label edges and on flower petals.
- Paint words with liner brush in Licorice.
- Apply white dots with dauber around containers.
- Glue buttons to centers of flowers on lids.