Create a garland from wood buttons, wood spools and Styrofoam™. Cookie cutters in heart shapes to make this super easy!
- Place cookie cutters onto Styrofoam sheet surface. Press to cut into Styrofoam. If this does not cut it out, use a serrated edged knife to finish cutting or use a Styro Cutter. Cut out four small hearts and one large heart.
- Using large brush, paint large heart White and four small hearts Lavender, Light Pink, Lime Sherbert, and Sunny Day. Paint all sides and let dry completely.
- Paint buttons and spools Lavender, Light Pink, Lime Sherbert, and Sunny Day. Let dry completely.
- Using liner brush, print Cranberry love sayings on each heart (examples: Love You, Hugs, Kiss Me, My Baby, and Be Mine).
- Using large brush, apply Extreme Glitter over all surfaces on all project pieces.
- Cut six 8-inch pieces of green floral wire.
- Poke a hole on each side of the heart in the upper third area.
- Fold wire in half and place into button holes. Add spool on each side of button.
- Poke wire through hole in heart, add a heart bead, and curl end with needle-nosed pliers. Repeat and connect together hearts.
- Poke wire through end heart and add one spool. Secure a loop at the end of garland on wire. Do on both ends of garland.
- Cut picot ribbons into 6-inch pieces. Tie these pieces between buttons and spools plus add five at each end to hold single spool in place.
- Create a ten loop bow from wired ribbon and secure center with a piece of floral wire. Wire onto each end.
- Tie a bow from each picot cut ribbon.
- Pin bow to top point of each heart.