By: Bianca Octavia
- Cut out 6 half ovals with scissors out of the white felt.
- Cut off 30 mop ends with scissors.
- Take five of the mop’s ends and Mod Podge them around the half oval felt piece, leaving the ends hanging off the straight edge of the felt.
- Cut off the loose ends with scissors.
- Allow drying time.
- Repeat steps 3-5 x5 more times.
- Cut out 18 small circles out of the black felt.
- Mod Podge 3 black circles onto one mop ghost.
- Allow drying time.
- Repeat steps 8 & 9 x5 more times.
- Take mop ghosts and Mod Podge them onto the pink pillow in a 2 x 3 pattern.
- Allow drying time.