Gobble Up Kids Turkey Decoration
This bright Turkey for your table will delight kids and adults alike.


  1. Paint the entire turkey and wood disk with Autumn Leaves FolkArt paint. Use two coats and allow to dry.
  2. Cut three leaf shapes from one print and two leaf shapes from another print. Coat both sides of the leaf shapes with Mod Podge, position on the wood turkey and topcoat with more Mod Podge. Use your fingers to press out any air bubbles. Smooth your brush strokes. Continue until all the leaves are attached.
  3. Cut or punch an oval shape and a circle to fit the wood disk. Attach the oval over the tips of the leaves and the circle to the disk using Mod Podge.
  4. Hot glue the disk to the center of the turkey. Cut a plume, snood and beak from scrapbook paper and hot glue to the disk. Add two button eyes.
  5. Hot glue silk leaves to the back of the turkey so they face forward.