Cute treats for Halloween using Mod Podge.
Eek Frame1. You will want to cut the scrapbook paper to fit the recessed portion on the front of the frame. To do this, make a tracing of the recessed area using the vellum and pencil.
2. Tape to the back of the scrapbook paper sheet using stencil tape and cut out with scissors.
3. Test the scrapbook paper to make sure that it fits into the recessed area. If it doesn’t, trim with the ruler and craft knife in the right areas until it fits. Set the paper aside.
4. Paint the outer and inner rim of the frame with Tangerine. Also paint the back of the Podgeable with the same color. Let everything dry.
5. Paint a medium layer of Crackle Medium onto the Tangerine areas of the frame. Let dry.
6. Paint Pure Black over the top of the Crackle Medium. Follow the instructions on the bottle; slip slap back and forth quickly and don’t brush over too many times. The crackling will start immediately. Let dry.
7. Paint the back of the frame with Pure Black and let dry.
8. Mod Podge the scrapbook paper into the recessed portion of the frame. Smooth thoroughly and let dry for 15 – 20 minutes.
9. Add two coats of Mod Podge over the entire frame, letting dry between coats.
10. Rub on the word “EEK” onto the front of the Podgeable shape. Add Dimensional Magic over the top and let dry.
11. Glue the spider and rhinestones to the front of the Podgeable shape, let dry.
12. Glue the shape into the frame and let dry 24 hours before using