Basecoat the Styrofoam with Violet Pansy. Allow to dry. Paint Licorice stripes on the body.
Using the popsicle stick apply Glow in the Dark Texture Paint to the cat's stomach, the teeth and eyes. Allow to dry.
Paint Licorice polka dots on the stomach, outline the teeth and paint the eyes as shown.
Cut 2 triangles out of black foam and two smaller triangles out of purple foam. Hot glue together and glue to the head. Cut a small chenille stem into thirds, curl and insert for whiskers.
Stick the dowel rod into the head and body, secure with hot glue. Twist together two black and two purple chenille stems to create a tail. Hot glue to the back of the cat.
Twist two purple and two black chenille stems together. Cut in half. Twist the bottom of each into a paw shape. Hot glue for front paws. Repeat for the back paws bending slightly as shown.
Basecoat the wood plaque Apple Orchard. Dry brush Licorice on the edges for an aged look.
Hot glue cat to the base and tie a polka dot bow around the neck.