Tape off base of glass vase. Using ¾” flat brush, paint alternating Autumn Leaves and Pure Orange stripes starting at base and stopping about 1” from lip. Remove tape.
Using ½” flat brush, paint green stripes around lip of vase starting at top and stroking towards orange stripes.
Using ¼” flat brush, paint Licorice stripes around base.
Apply black dots with largest Spouncer for eyes. Smooth out edges with liner brush.
Apply white dots with smaller Spouncer, and smallest black dots with opposite end of paint brush or Spouncer.
Paint nose, mouth and eyebrows with liner brush. Add details on nose and mouth.
Glue satin ribbon around base of vase. Tie bow and glue to ribbon.
Cut a 4¼” circle from foam sheet with pinking shears. Paint decorative line with Licorice and liner brush. Glue to bottom of vase.