Hydrangea Vase
A pretty "stained glass" project made with Gallery Glass.

Other Things You'll Need

  • Gallery Glass ® Surfaces - Leading Blanks
  • Clear cutting glass or light table
  • Large vase
  • 2 small votives
  • Craft knife
  • Palette knife


1.      Squirt equal amounts of Snow White, Amethyst, and Blue Diamond on the Leading Blank.  Smooth and mix paint a bit with the palette knife.


2.    Repeat the above step with Aqua, Blue Diamond, and Crystal Clear.

3.    Repeat once more with Lime Green, Fresh Lime, and Crystal Clear.

4.    Place a Leading Blank over a piece of lined paper and trace the lines with Lime Green.  Make seven or eight lines.

5.    With the Sand Frost, drip straight from the bottle onto the Leading Blank to make the flower centers.

6.    Set all aside to dry overnight.

7.    Place the flower and leaf patterns under the Leading Blanks.  Use your craft knife to cut design elements.

8.    Clean and dry the glass surfaces and assemble Gallery Glass as shown in the photo.

9.    Use Crystal Clear Window Color to fill in all areas, between flowers, stems, and leaves.