Landscape Painting


  1. Basecoat plaque with Black and let dry.
  2. Mix various shades of blue using the blue and white from tube acrylic set. Apply colors with flat brush in small horizontal brush strokes on top half of plaque. Add more and more white to create lighter strokes for sky.
  3. Repeat process for land or grass by mixing various combinations of blue, green and yellow from tube set. Continue adding white or yellow to create lightest strokes.
  4. Paint black circles where each flower will be painted. Let dry.
  5. Paint each flower by applying full color in small strokes around center of flower with liner brush. Continue to add white and keep layering strokes to the outer edge of flower. Repeat with desired flower colors.
  6. Mix green and white and paint thin vertical lines for stems and brushstrokes for leaves. Start leaf at outer end and pull towards stems as shown. Let dry.