![Large Gingham Easter Wooden Bunny](https://plaidonline.com/media/magefan_blog/3BA5A9C4-4FB1-44D1-923C-D4A9B310BBE5/Duffy-Easter_1.jpg)
Make this elegant gingham Easter bunny to decorate your porch for the spring season! Greet you friends and family with this hand painted, checkered wooden bunny. This project is also great for your Easter egg hunt!
- Basecoat wood bunny with Wicker White and let dry.
- Using the stencil tape to create a checker board pattern- Completely cover the bunny with horizontal strips of tape. Remove every other piece so that you have perfect stripes going horizontal with tape.
- Repeat tape stripes with vertical pieces,
- removing every other piece.
- When done you should have a checkerboard pattern with tape.
- Paint each square solid with Ocean View. Let dry and apply a second coat if needed. Let dry completely and remove tape.
- On a foam plate mix equal parts Ocean View and water.
- Using flat brush, connect the solid blue squares with the watercolor mix as shown in photo. Connect all solid painted squares to create the gingham plaid. Let dry completely.
- Drill 3 holes in the center of bunny body.
- Insert floral stems into holes as shown and trim extra stems.
- Secure floral stems on the back with hot glue.