Mod Podge Ultra Yarn Painting Pumpkins
Wrap your pumpkins with colorful yarn and hold in place with Mod Podge Ultra! Create vibrant pattern, shapes, numbers, and letters with this fun project idea. Add texture and character to your Halloween pumpkins with Mod Podge.

Other Things You'll Need

  • Pumpkins
  • Tissue Paper
  • Yarn


  1. Paint your pumpkins with Folkart acrylic paint and let dry.
  2. Spray your tissue paper with Mod Podge Ultra. Mold the paper into a cone shape. Let this dry.
  3. Soak your yarn in Mod Podge Ultra and arrange it in different patterns on your pumpkins. Lay the pumpkins yarn side up when they dry. Let each yarn covered side of the pumpkin dry fully before completing another side. You don’t want the yarn to fall down in the drying process.
  4. Wrap your dried tissue paper cones with Mod Podge Ultra soaked yarn. Let the cones dry.
  5. Attatch the yarn cones to the stems of your pumpkins and adhere with a final spray of Mod Podge Ultra. Let dry.