Make sure your little monster has a cute box to collect all his or her Valentine's Day cards!
- Carefully cut a large slit (mouth) in the box as shown with craft knife.
- Basecoat box and lid with Caterpillar. Let dry then apply several coats of Green Flash. Let dry.
- Apply Aquamarine dots to the box and lid with spouncer. When dry, apply Aqua Glitterific with palette knife over dots. Let dry and apply several coats until covered.
- Transfer feet, hands and horn patterns to purple foam sheet and cut out. Paint black stripes onto horns.
- Glue two ends of construction paper strips at a 90 degree angle. Fold the strips alternately over each other to create an accordion arm. Repeat for second arm. Glue ends to hands.
- Paint Black dots onto foam balls. Press balls onto hard surface to flatten the bottoms for gluing.
- Cut two strips of jagged teeth from white foam sheet. Glue to the inside edges of mouth.
- Glue hands, feet, and eyeballs to box. Cut two lengths of chenille stem and glue around eyes. Cut two slits into lid and glue horns.
- Cut an orange rectangle from foam sheet. Write words with marker. Punch three circles from orange sheet.
- Glue orange rectangle to red foam and cut out allowing a small border. Create three dots inside orange punched holes for eyes.
- Paint craft stick with Aquamarine. Let dry and glue sign to stick. Glue whole sign inside of monster’s mouth.