Stain plaque with a wash of Wicker White paint. Allow to dry.
Using the pattern provided, transfer the sailboat to the plaque. Paint the bottom of the sailboat and the poles Nutmeg, the flag Lipstick Red, the sail is just outlined and then Ocean Cruise stripes are added as shown in photo.
Outline the remaining parts with Licorice.
Add white highlights by dry brushing Wicker White.
On the boat add shading by floating Licorice at the bottom, repeat for the flag and in the blue on the striped sail.
Add shading to the white sail by floating Ocean Cruise around the edges of the sail. Allow to dry.
Using the pattern provided, add the "Welcome" on top of the boat. Paint Licorice and then highlight Wicker White using a liner brush.
Add birds with liner brush. Refer to photo for placement.
Paint the frame of the plaque Ocean Cruise and then dry brush with Wicker White. Dry brush Ocean Cruise at the bottom of the plaque, under the boat.