Add FolkArt Dragonfly Glaze to your pumpkin for an iridescent glow to your harvest décor. Customize your pumpkin with a phrase or monogram using yarn and Mod Podge Ultra.
- Paint the pumpkin Red-Violet-Blue Dragonfly.
- Paint the stem of pumpkin Treasure Gold.
- On a piece of paper, write “Trick or Treat” in cursive to use as a template for yarn writing.
- Place wax paper over template.
- Pour Mod Podge Ultra in a bowl.
- Dip yarn in Mod Podge Ultra.
- Use wet yarn to write out the “Trick or Treat” over the template. Let sit for 24 hours to dry.
- Paint the “Trick or Treat” Treasure Gold.
- Use Mod Podge Ultra as an adhesive to stick the yarn phrase onto the front of pumpkin.