Tape off stripes with stencil tape before painting. This will keep them straight. Remove and discard tape while paint is wet.
Double Load ¾” flat brush with Floating Medium and Turner Yellow. Paint vertical stripes the width of brush, all the way around box. Let dry.
Double load #12 flat brush with Lipstick Red and Turner Yellow. Tip yellow edge of brush in Wicker White. Paint tulip blossoms on end and sides of box as shown, keeping the light side of the brush on the outside of petals.
Double load #12 flat brush with Thicket and Turner Yellow. Paint basic long leaf strokes up from the bottom of the box. Slide on chisel edge of brush loaded with green to paint calyx and stems of flowers.
Double load #12 flat brush with Turner Yellow and Wicker White. Paint wings of the butterfly: wings that are behind, paint with Turner Yellow edge out; wings that are in front, paint Wicker White edge out.
Add wing details with Script Liner brush loaded with Turner Yellow.
Thin Thicket with a little water on Script Liner. Paint butterfly body and feelers.