- Inflate a water balloon to your desired egg size. If making multiple eggs, make sure each balloon is the same size.
- Pour a 4 oz. bottle of Mod Podge Ultra into a disposable bowl (when the craft is finished, the Mod Podge Ultra can be poured back into the bottle for future use!)
- Cut a piece of yarn as long as possible, while still being manageable (approximately 2 feet).
- Submerge the strand of yarn in the bowl of Mod Podge Ultra, holding on to one end, so as not to lose it in the bowl.
- Slowly pull the yarn out with one hand, while wiping the excess Mod Podge from the yarn with the other.
- Wrap the yarn around the balloon in a random pattern, making sure it crosses over itself many times (this will ensure the sturdiness of the egg when dried).
- Continue this process until most of the balloon is covered (see project photo for reference).
- When finished, use a clothespin to hang the balloon by the knot on a drying rack or coat hanger. Let dry overnight.
- Continue this process for as many balloons as you would like.
- Feel the yarn after it has dried to ensure it is stiffened. If the yarn feels stiff, pop the balloon and carefully pull it out between the strands of yarn.