Let your creativity come alive with this Personalized Hanging Name Plaque. Use bold colors and shapes to create a playful and artistic display piece.
- Basecoat entire frame in desired color. Let dry. Tape off large rectangle in center of plaque; paint in desired color. Let dry.
- Place alphabet stencil over scrapbook papers; trace individual letters to spell name or initials; following traced lines with craft knife, cut out each letter.
- Place letter cut-outs on plaque in center rectangle; cut motifs from scrapbook papers and place around name or initials as desired; glue letters and motifs into place with Mod Podge.
- Optional: Using liner brush, add decorative hand painted details where desired. Let dry.
- Apply topcoat of Mod Podge over entire plaque. Let dry completely.
- Insert eye hooks into top of plaque on 1” in from left and right; thread ribbon to hang.