Pretty Pink Canvas Chalkboard
Transform an old frame into a canvas chalkboard where you can write daily messages.


1. Cut a piece of canvas fabric to fit the frame backing.  Apply a coat of Mod Podge to the top of the backing.  Position the canvas on the backing and smooth with your fingers.  Allow to dry.

2. Working in one direction, apply a coat of Hot Pink chalkboard paint to the canvas.  Allow to dry and apply a second coat in the opposite direction as the first.  Allow to dry.  Apply a third coat in the same direction as the first.

3. Cut of words from the paper.  Apply a coat of Mod Podge to the back of the words and glue to the frame.  Continue until the outer edge of the frame is covered with words.  Apply a top-coat of Mod Podge to the frame.

4. Glue a strip of decorative ribbon across the bottom of the canvas.  Glue a canvas flower in the corner.  Glue a Podgeable circle that has been Mod Podged with pink paper to the center of the canvas flower.

PROJECT TIP: To season your chalkboard, rub a piece of chalk over the entire surface and wipe clean with a damp towel.