Elevate the look of a simple spindle chair using vibrant FolkArt Milk Paint colors.
- Prepare the previously painted and varnished chair by removing all dirt and dust using a household glass cleaner.
- Apply a smooth, even coat of FolkArt Milk Paint Bonding Primer and Sealer to all visible surfaces. Allow to dry approximately four hours.
- Paint an undercoat application of FolkArt Milk Paint Pirate Black over the Bonding Primer and Sealer. Allow to dry 30 minutes, then reapply a second application. Allow to dry.
- Next, apply two coats of Shaker Red over the Pirate Black undercoat. Allow to dry 30 minutes between applications.
- When completely dry, lightly sand the chair surface applying additional pressure along the seat edges and other surface areas that naturally would show wear exposing Pirate Black.
- Using a tack cloth, wipe away sanding residue.
- Apply a topcoat of Bonding Primer and Sealer to seal and protect the two-color painted and distressed chair. Let dry 24 hours before using.
NOTE: Remember to allow the allotted dry time between paint applications. This time allows the Milk Paint to thoroughly penetrate the surface and be absorbed.