Create this beautiful bouquet with STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam.
- Purchase bunches of silk or plastic dogwood branches. You’ll use these to create the branches for your arrangement.
- Trace the patterns provided for the dogwood flowers on to a ½” thick STYROFOAM™ sheet. Notice that there are two sizes.
- Paint the flowers Light Pink.
- At the ends of each petal, paint each notch Toffee.
- Punch a small hole in the middle of the blossom with the end of a #1 round brush.
- Pull most of the blossoms off the purchased stems (make sure to keep the stamens); leave some on for color. Here, we chose white dogwoods to add some contrast to the pink flowers we painted.
- Push the flower stem from the branch through the back of the hole in the flower and insert it in the stamen. You can apply a small amount of glue if you like. Continue to put flowers along the branches.
- To support the branches, you may need to attach 1/8” dowels painted Toffee and wire them to the branches. ®™ Trademark of the Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow.