Teacher’s Wine Label & Wine Glasses Gift
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Make a special gift for teacher appreciation day that he or she will surely love.

Other Things You'll Need

  • Downloadable art – “Instead of an Apple"
  • Folkart Paint Tools - Detail Painters #4156
  • Bottle of wine or sparkling grape juice
  • Stemless wine glasses
  • Wax paper
  • Palette, Water basin, Paper towel


  1. Prep the wine bottle by removing the front label by running under warm water. Wipe down the bottle and wine glasses with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Print out the downloadable artwork label. Trim the label leaving a slight white edge.
  3. Place the label face down on a piece of wax paper. Coat with Mod Podge. Carefully lift up label and place on wine bottle front. Smooth in place with fingers.
  4. Clean off any excess Mod Podge with wet paper towel. Let dry.
  5. To paint a cluster of green grapes, pour two small puddles of Forest Moss on a palette. In one puddle add a tiny amount of Wicker White to create a lighter green. Using a large dauber, pounce in the Forest Green and offload on a paper towel to start with a light coat of paint. Press the dauber on the wine bottle making circles that overlap to create a cluster of grapes. After a light coat of overlapping grapes, add a more solid Forest Moss layer of grapes in random areas on top of the light layer.
  6. Finally add the light green to only one side of the dauber and offload onto a paper towel. Press the dauber over the grapes to create highlights.
  7. To paint a cluster of purple grapes, pour a small amount of Red Violet and Berry Wine on a palette. Using a large dauber, pounce in Red Violet and offload on a paper towel to start with a light coat of paint. Press the dauber on the wine bottle making circles that overlap to create a cluster of grapes. After a light coat of overlapping grapes, add a more solid Red Violet layer of grapes in random areas on top of the light layer. Add a layer of Berry Wine grapes.
  8. Finally add a layer of lighter Red Violet (mixed with a small amount of White) to create highlights.
  9. With a liner brush paint simple stems and leaf in Thicket. Let dry.
  10. Paint stemless glasses using same grape cluster dauber technique. Bake to cure referring to back of paint bottle for directions.