Tic-Tac-Toe Rock Bugs
Enjoy summer fun with this hand-painted lady bug and bumblebee tic-tac-toe board made with rocks. Give your patio space a fun game to enjoy while you sit and enjoy the warm weather.

Other Things You'll Need

  • Flat brush ½"
  • Flat brush ¼"
  • Liner brush #1
  • Round brush #4
  • Tape
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Rocks
  • Water basin
  • Paper towels
  • Foam plates


  1. 1. Paint canvas panel Palm Leaf and sides of panel Lime Tree.
  2. Find center of panel. Use that as a starting guide for measuring and taping off two lines in one direction. Paint White. Repeat to create two lines going in the opposite direction to create your playing grid.
  3. Wash rocks in warm soapy water and dry thoroughly. Paint some Flag Red and some Kings Gold.
  4. Paint one end Black to create heads of bugs. Use liner brush to paint mouths. Use opposite end of liner brush dipped in paint to create eyes.
  5. Use flat brush and round brush to paint stripes and dots on bugs as shown. Paint White wings with round brush. Add any other detail with liner brush. 

Project Tip: Paint rocks to create other animals or bugs.