- Use shop rag to wipe Maple Stain onto the box bottom in direction of the woodgrain. Apply a wash of Dark Hydrangea on box lid. Allow to dry.
- Double load #12 flat brush with Raw Sienna and Copper Metallic; paint large flower on lid.
- Double load same brush with Burnt Umber and Wicker White. Paint center petal on bud.
- Using same brush, double load with Raw Sienna and Turner Yellow; paint remaining bud petals.
- Using Script Liner loaded with Copper Metallic, paint stems and scroll as shown.
Box Bottom:
- Double load #12 flat brush with Turner Yellow and Raw Sienna. Paint outer leaves of large blossoms.
- Double load same brush with Copper Metallic and Wicker White; paint inner petals.
- Use same mixtures to paint buds.
- Using the Script Liner, paint stems and scrolls Copper Metallic.
Flower Centers:
- Paint large circle area in center Inca Gold Metallic.
- Double load #12 with Copper Metallic and Burnt Umber. Paint smaller circle in center of Inca Gold.