Wipe down your empty Tide-Pod container with alcohol to remove any oils. Do not worry about the stickers/labels - you will paint over them.
Using a sponge, basecoat your entire container in desired color. Allow to dry and apply a second coat. Allow to Dry.
Thinking about the curvature and indentations of a real pumpkin, create faux indentation shadows with a drop or two of a darker color mixed into the original color. A medium sized brush works best for this. See image for clarification.
To create the deepest (darkest) part of your shadow, mix the priginal color with a generous bit of your darker color and apply a thinner line down each of your shadows using a smaller brush. Blend your shadows out.
Using a desired lighter color you will create a highlight on the pumpkins curves by brushing/blending this color in the space between your shadows. See image.
- Let dry completely. Then place your flowers/plants inside the container.