Valentine Box


  1. Paint sides of handle and outside of box Wicker White.
  2. Paint inside of box and feet Butler Magenta.
  3. Paint box trim and top of handle Violet Pansy.
  4. Paint random small hearts all over box using Butler Magenta.
  5. Paint small wood heart Violet Pansy; Paint dowel Butler Magenta.
  6. Paint LOVE on heart. Glue onto dowel.
  7. Glue sequins around edge of wood heart using white craft glue. Puncture a small hole on rim of box. Glue dowel into hole.
  8. Glue a row of sequins around bottom band of box. Glue 2 rows of sequins around top of box.
  9. Glue heart buttons over screw heads on sides of handle.
  10. Glue heart buttons randomly between painted hearts on box.
  11. Optional: Use liner brush to paint words on painted Butler Magenta hearts using Violet Pansy such as: KISS ME, U R CUTE, BE MINE, HOT LIPS, HOTTIE, etc.
  12. Optional: Using liner brush and thinned Wicker White, paint "Valentines" on center of top band on box front.