Waverly HOME Banner Sign
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Add a cozy touch to your fall decor with this Waverly HOME Banner Sign craft! Warm the room with this bright and fun Home Sign to complete your seasonal decor.

Other Things You'll Need

  • 1" masking tape
  • Waverly fabric
  • Twine
  • Transfer Paper
  • Computer printout
  • Pencil
  • Craft glue


  1. On the back of the panel paint the inside with Maize. 
  2. Paint the frame Elephant.
  3. Enlarge the size of pumpkin to fit the panel.  Print out pumpkin.  Transfer the pumpkin pattern to canvas.  Paint the pumpkin Plaster.  Paint the stem Ink.
  4. Tape off plaid vertical and horizonal at the same time.  Space tape 1" apart.  There should only be squares open to paint.  Use the stencil brush to paint squares Ink.  Remove tape.
  5. Water down the Ink to make a wash.  Use one of flat brushes from the variety pack and connect the square by painting a 1" line in between each square.  There may need to be some touch up on the yellow background around the pumpkin.
  6. Add a Plaster highlight with the liner brush on the stem.
  7. Stencil the letters H, O, M, E on the fabric.  Cut out a banner shape around each letter.
  8. Glue each letter to the twine and glue. Make stitching around the edge of the banner with the liner brush in Ink.   Hang in the middle of pumpkin shape by glue ends to the back.