White and Gold Poured Canvas
Decorate a small canvas with white and gold marbled effects for a unique touch to your paint pouring fun. Preserve your swirls and whirls with Mod Podge Resin for added shine to your project.


  1. Mix Mod Podge Gloss with glitter in a cup.
  2. Pour rock salt into a bowl and pour glitter mixture over rock salt and mix  together.    
  3. Place onto wax paper allow to dry.
  4. Follow instructions on resin packaging.
  5. Mix 2 drops of white into resin.
  6. Mix gold glitter in resin.
  7. Pour the white resin onto canvas and the glitter resin.  Move resin around  on the canvas.   
  8. Allow the resin to set for two hours.
  9. Add gold gilding and gold rock salt mixture on top of the white.
  10. Use the torch to remove any bubbles.
  11. Allow to harden for 24 hours.